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Rays thwart Brewers' ninth

来源:International Informer news portal编辑:entertainment时间:2024-06-03 16:37:55

MILWAUKEE (AP) — Ryan Pepiot and three relievers combined on a three-hit shutout and the Tampa Bay Rays withstood a ninth-inning comeback attempt to beat the Milwaukee Brewers 1-0 on Monday night.

Brewers manager Pat Murphy was ejected in the ninth inning after arguing a call that prevented Milwaukee from scoring the apparent tying run.

The Brewers had runners on second and third with one out when a potential third strike to Jake Bauers got past catcher René Pinto for a wild pitch, enabling Bauers to reach first while Sal Frelick came home. But plate umpire Ryan Additon ruled Bauers had hit Pinto on the backswing, resulting in Bauers getting called out while Frelick had to stay at third.

“I believe they got it wrong, but there was no question in their mind that they got it right,” Murphy said.

After Jason Adam hit Rhys Hoskins with a pitch to load the bases, he struck out Blake Perkins to end the game and earn his first save in two opportunities.

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