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Analysis: Lando Norris win shows McLaren is ready to return to global motorsports prominence

来源:International Informer news portal编辑:sport时间:2024-06-03 19:37:36

MIAMI GARDENS, Fla. (AP) — Lando Norris says the online trolling never really bothered him as he went winless through his first five Formula 1 seasons, even when it got worse as one of the breakout stars for fans introduced to the sport through Netflix.

It was a long wait as Team McLaren got its program together and prepared cars capable of competing with Red Bull, Ferrari and Mercedes. Norris passed the time doom scrolling social media, searching for motivation from his haters.

His moment came Sunday in his 110th career start when he earned his first victory by beating three-time reigning F1 champion Max Verstappen at the Miami Grand Prix. Verstappen had won the first two races at Miami and Saturday’s sprint race before he hit a cone early Sunday to give Norris his opportunity.

“I never didn’t believe in what I could go out and do, so I am happy to put that to bed and prove a lot of these people wrong,” Norris said. “I go on Instagram and I like all the comments of people abusing me. I freaking love it. It makes me smile more than anything, especially ”Lando No-Wins.” That’s become the thing.

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